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SHG Bank Linkage: Eligibility
- The size of the SHG should be preferably between 10 and 20 members to enable effective individual participation in the group’s deliberations.
- The group should have been in active existence for at least a period of six months. The group may be informal or formal (registered).
- The group should have successfully undertaken savings and credit operations from its own resources.
SHG Bank Linkage: Eligibility
- Democratic working of the group wherein all members feel that they have a say should be evident.
- The group is maintaining proper accounts/records.
- The branch should be convinced that the group has not come into existence only for the sake of participation in the project and availing benefits thereunder. There should be a genuine need to help each other and work together among the members.
- The SHG members should preferably have homogeneous background and interest.
SHG Bank Linkage: Eligibility
The group should have satisfactory
internal savings and credit activity for at
least six month
be assessed in terms of Group dynamics like -vibrancy,
cohesion, goal-oriented action, participation
of members,
democratic decision and collective leadership group
functioning (actually as a group, or
not) regular meetings
maintaining a record of financial/other transactions norms
regarding membership, meetings, etc Group leaders to be
elected by members and rotated periodically
in operations of the group and participatory
decision making
Rates of interest on loans to be
decided by the group
liability and peer pressure to act as substitutes for
traditional collateral.
Savings - amount, periodicity
- procedure for sanction, ceiling amount, purposes,
rate of interest to be
charged, repayment period, etc.
Fines - in case of default in attending meetings, savings, and
repayment. Group may also levy fines for any deviant behavior etc.
Personal/social improvement - minimum literacy level to be
social work to be done etc.
SHG - Bank linkage: a practical approach
Identification of active SHGs in
the villages & establishing
Opening of a SB A/c. in the name
of SHG with
a resolution
copy from the SHG.
Receiving loan application from
the SHG duly sponsored
the promoting NGO if any.
Attending a group meeting at the
village to
the SHG and verify the records and find out the objectives of
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